10 events found.
Visit With Farmer Bill Palmer
Farmer Bill Palmer from Sam Bridge Nursery will talk about the life cycle of the pumpkin.
OT Screenings with Crae Akerson
Crae Akerson, our consulting Occupational Therapist, will be conducting brief screenings on children by parent permission
Coffee & Conversation with Susan O’Brien, Social Services Consultant
"Parenting is the Hardest Job in the World ~ What Works and What Doesn't" Our Coffee & Conversation Series provides opportunities to ask questions and share what's on your mind with one of our consultants in an intimate, casual setting. In this series, Susan will share information and advice, as well as facilitate discussions with ... Read more
OT Screenings with Crae Akerson
Crae Akerson, our consulting Occupational Therapist, will be conducting brief screenings for children with parent permission.